Prayer Request (Fill in form below)


Prayer can change the person or persons being prayed for and it can also change the person praying. Prayer is powerful. Prayer is uplifting. Prayer is healing. Jesus prayed. Prayer is an important part of our active relationship with God.

If you have a prayer request, an update on a prayer request, or a prayer of thanksgiving, click on the link below to send your prayer request to St. Matthew's Parish Secretary. Your request for prayer will be included in the Sunday Prayers of the People for three weeks.

The list of people we pray for on Sundays is just a small part of a much longer prayer list. The people on the longer prayer list are prayed for every week at the Monday Noon Prayer Meeting. This ministry is led by our priest and meets in the Library of Creasy Hall. Updates are given and the group prays together for everyone on the list. Copies of this complete prayer list are available on the table in the Narthex.

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