COVID-19 Protocol

"From the start of our pandemic responses, diocesan leadership has sought to respond to the pandemic by keeping in mind three touchstones: do our best to take the next right step; love of neighbor; and distinguishing between what Christians can do and what we should do. The Guidelines you are receiving reflect those three priorities.”  Bishop David Reed


  • Masks are encouraged while in the church and buildings
    • Masks are available if you do not have one
  • Sanitizer is available at each door
  • Follow the direction of the Ushers
  • Restrooms are open in Creasy Hall (the building across the courtyard from the church).
  • Collection baskets are brought by the ushers to the pews. Online donation is also available:


    • Keep social distance as appropriate
    • Pass The Peace from your pew
    • Communion will be celebrated, wine will by intinction-only.
    • Nursery available (when staff is available).


      • Leave cushion in your pew when you depart if you use one.
      • Leave your Order of Service in your pew if not taking it home, or you may put it in the recycling basket in the Narthex (entrance). 





If you receive a lab-confirmed COVID-19 case or have been in close contact with someone who tests positive, immediately contact the church office, If you get the answering machine, please leave a message, and then call Ellen Yelverton,, or the Parish Secretary,


Please provide the following information:


1. Did you test positive or was it someone you were in close contact with?


2. Do you give us permission to release your name? Your identity will remain confidential unless you give permission to share it.


3. When were you at St. Matthew’s (date/time)?


4. Who did you come in contact with while at St. Matthew’s?


5. Which rooms or areas did you enter?


6. What was the date of your test (not the date you received the results)?


7. Are you experiencing symptoms?


8. Did you observe the guidelines (wearing a mask, hand washing/sanitizing, physical distancing, etc.) while on site?


This information is necessary for the health and safety of everyone in St. Matthew’s family and our community.

© 2025 St. Matthew's Episcopal Church
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