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Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

We will be serving a Pancake Supper on Tuesday, February 17, from 5:00pm to 7:00pm to celebrate Shrove Tuesday.


The tradition of the Shrove Tuesday supper dates back to the 15th century. On this final day before the Lenten fast, thrifty housewives would serve pancakes in order to use up the leftover eggs, milk, and fat not allowed dring the fasting of Lent. The word "shrove" refers to the ancient practice of being "shriven" - confessing and receiving absolution so that one could begin and keep a holy Lent.


Please plan to join us for food and fellowhsip in Creasy Hall. You can visit with others and enjoy your dinner here or simply purchase your meals to go. The cost for the meal, is $5; all donations will go to support our 50th Anniversary celebration this year. Contact Wilma at 210-652-0359 for more information.


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